Friday 23 December 2016


A psychologist at Iowa State University has been researching on video game addiction for decades,
trying to prove that it is not a real thing.However,it turns out to be wrong.His research shows that 8.5% of children in the United States are addicted to video games,due to two factors which has led to video game addiction.The first factor of it is gaining access to games,which is something hard to tackle as almost everyone has laptops,smartphones and even video game systems in their home,making accessibility to games everywhere.The second factor is handling human needs,such as the likeness of being controlled,connecting to other people and the feeling of being good at what we do.Children might not even realize that addiction of video games might actually affect their lives.

In my opinion,I feel that video game addiction might be a huge problem and we have to figure out how to solve the issue.Video games has taken over children's lives and it might affect their academic studies.If we do not solve this issue,it will become a major problem in our society.In fact,studies show that kids who play video game spent 30% less time reading and 34% less time doing homework.Hence,video game could affect children's academic results and their future.


Thursday 3 November 2016

Internet shaming gone to far?


Justine Sacco, senior director of corporate communications at IAC thought it would have been funny to make a racist comment on Africa. Justine was going to Cape Town, a city in south Africa. Before the took off, she decide to tweet out a racist commend about getting AIDS because she was going to Africa and decide to make a joke that she will not get it as she is white. Over the course of the 11 hour flight, hate comment flooded her twitter and she even became a twitter trend with a hashtag about her. When Justine landed at the Cape Town airport, she was surprised on the amount of notifications on her phone popping out from her friends trying to reach her to help her to news she was unaware of. When she realised that her twitter was filled with hate comments, she tried apologising and even deleted her account. People even waited for her at the airport to take photo of her telling everyone that she had landed. She was fired from her job and gained hate from many because of one racist comment.


I agree with the haters on the fact that the comment was very racist and that Justine should have think about what she had posted such a comment on twitter. Even though she may only have 130 followers, anything on the internet can go viral in a matter of seconds and that even though she was making a joke, others can be offended easily by a small joke.



Monday 31 October 2016

Mass Media Stereotypes By Saajid


         Pretty pink culture still abounds in media and merchandises although Disney princesses evolved over time are less pink with princes losing manly muscles.Earlier princesses have been stereotypical gendered behaviors such as the need for girls to look pretty and focus on their appearance over their inner substance.Males are usually portrayed as physically strong,assertive and athletic while females are prone to overt emotion such as affectionate behaviour and crying.Gender roles portrayed in media can influence a girls expectations and ideas of what is normal behaviour and therefore recently, female characters included more traditionally masculine traits instead of the usual stereotypical gendered behaviour.


In my opinion, the characters of Disney movies should not have stereotypical gendered behaviors. This is because characters that have stereotypical gendered behaviors can influence other people in a negative way such as the need for girls to look pretty and focus on their appearance instead of their capabilities.This can cause the girls to think that it is ok to be just like that in the movies and her ideas of what normal behaviour to be influenced .One example would be the way to dress . The girl influenced by the movie characters may dress inappropriately thinking that it is normal and therefore may lead to dire consequences such as being punished by public or in some cases brought into custody of the police.All in all,the characters of Disney movies should not have stereotypical gendered behaviors.

5 new words and synonyms:
Merchandise: Goods
Burdened: Troubled
Submissive: Passive
Stereotypes: Conventional
Traits: Qualities

Friday 28 October 2016

Gamers at risk of addiction


4 out of 10 gamers in Singapore risk game addiction. In a study of more than 1000 people, game addicts typically experience symptoms such as inability to stop even when they know they have to. Obsession of games and conflicts with family about the addiction tend to happen. Most if the game addicts are around 17 to 20 in which one out of eight is addicted. game addicts tend to be ore aggressive. To help stop game addicts, negotiate with them  and set a reasonable limitation as some games may need more time to do an objective. In a case study, a boy stole US$16000 from his father and ran away to play video game.


 I agree with the way that they set limitations for such addicts. Most parents would often set limitation which are to short for even a game to be played. For instant, Multi player on line battle arena games like DOTA or League of Legends take around an hour to complete a game. Negotiating with the game addicts would allow the parents to know how long a game is and set the limitation around the time for a game. In doing so, both parties would be happy with the limitation.


Correlation> relationship

Monday 24 October 2016

When video games become an addiction

According to research, roughly 8.5% percent of children who play video games in the United States are addicted. He found similar numbers across the world.about 4 and 10 percent: that's the amount of gamers I would classify as addicted."This is why we're seeing Internet Gaming Disorder becoming a bigger problem because now, not only has almost everyone got a computer, and almost everyone has a video game system in their home ... but now you've got a cell phone and you've got games on it and you can access games pretty much everywhere."

i agree with what the research have said.As now a days children tend to be addicted to video games or handphone games. for example, when i was going to school. i will see school mates walking and playing their handphone, they cannot leave thier handphone game aside while walking into the school gate. this show us that video games are making people become addicted and risking their own life.

Gamer at risk

According to the news, four in 10 gamers at risk of addiction. people are gaming for long hours, without any rest. This will lead to health problems for gaming a long time, as they are addicted to the game. Gamming also leads to more hostility and financial problems.

I agree with gamers at risk of addicition as more people are addicted to play games longer.As a video games are fun and interesting, therefore once a player get addicted to the game, the player will play the game for a longer period. For example, when my friend introduce me to fifa online 3, i got addicted to it. the game was so fun that i played it for more than three hours without any rest, but when i was tired and trying to get up from my seat i could not do so. I felt pain in my legs and hands, as i had sat for a long period. Hence, i agree that gamers at risk of addicition.

New words:
obsessing: engrass
indulge: give in
plonk: dump

Mass media by Ryan

Mass media exposure


Adults and teens has committed to spend the next five months enjoying themselves
and not going to work at all,according to the 2007 U.S. Census Bureau's Statistical Abstract of the United States.This shows that media is also harming people besides being convenient.The worst part is that parents are influencing young kids to take on media,affecting their future.Researchers have to start looking into the problem and solve the problem.


From my opinion,I totally agree with the researchers.Mass media has taken to extreme harm and we have to prevent that from happening .If not,it might affect the future of our society and people might be addicted to social media.So it is best to find out the problem and try to solve it.For example,my friend confessed that he always surf the internet 2 to 3 hours everyday.Hence,this shows that mass media is a danger to us.

New words:

census:head count

Mass Media Stereotypes by Saajid

Friday 21 October 2016

Gamer At Risk

Four in ten gamers face addiction,getting addicted could lead to conflicts with families and the need to play more to relieve stress. Gaming addiction is something which is only starting to be common many still do not know how to deal with these patients. Although limiting the amount of time they spend on games limiting them too much may also not be good as playing too little thus they may have pent up frustration.

I think we should not limit the amount of time spent on games too much. Controlling teens excessively could lead to aggression. "Those who played for under an hour daily were more aggressive than those who played for one to five hours." This shoes that even though we limit them it might not be good as they may feel as if they are unable to get sufficient game satisfaction and would want to play more. It is better to have an agreed time or target to accomplish before stopping. Hence, I feel that although we should try to limit the time spent on games we should not limit them too much.

5 new words:
Obsessing - preoccupy
Most wired nation - most connected community
Strong correlation - Strong interrelationship
Increased hostility - more aggressive
Hardcore gamers - dedicated gamers