Friday, 22 May 2015



(1) Justine Sacco, 30 years old and the senior director of corporate communications at IAC, began tweeting acerbic little jokes about the indignities of travel.
(2)This is an outrageous, offensive comment.
(3)The furor over Sacco’s tweet had become not just an ideological crusade against her perceived bigotry but also a form of idle entertainment
(4)By the time Sacco had touched down, tens of thousands of angry tweets had been sent in response to her joke.
(5)Within minutes, the news was everywhere.
(6) started to wonder about the recipients of our shamings, the real humans who were the virtual targets of these campaigns
(7)those people that were shamed publicly were mostly unemployed, fired for their transgressions, and they seemed broken somehow — deeply confused and traumatized.
(8)simple disturbing jokes can sometimes lead to a backlash from the other end of the political spectrum
(9)people have been publicly shamed as a result of messages they posted on social media


I think that although it is very easy and accesible to talk bad about people online, i think that it is wrong. These digital platforms make it easy for the public to see and comment and snare the picture. The public shaming can be done in a different way, or a less harmful way that leads the person that posted the picture or video to feel ashamed and that their life would be ruined.

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