Sunday, 15 March 2015

Fast-ageing population in Singapore

Singaporeans are growing older but there are less babies produced. Hence, the elderly will only increase while the number of young people will decrease, leading to less people in Singapore. As there are increasing number of people aged 65 and above, government should invest more in elder-friendly facilities. Furthermore, the number of citizens in the working age band of 20 to 64 needed to support one older citizen- is decreasing rapidly.

I think government need to have some solutions for this situation as it will become worse as the time flies. If nobody fix this problem, the number of elderly will continue to increase while working age band will keep decrease until the elderly will not have a people from working age band to support them like the law in Singapore government. Hence, I think government should take an action to solve this problem.

governance: government
toil: exertion/travail
exert: put into strenuous action
pressure: oppression
tax: duty

Monday, 9 March 2015

Family ejected from Cathay Pacific flight after Chinese boy, 3, refuses to wear his seat belt.


A family who boarded the flight from Bangkok to Hong Kong were being sent out of the plane due to their three year old son who did not want to fasten his seat belt. Before the plane start to take off , the air attendants asked him to put on his seat belt however he did not want . His parents, who did not cooperate told the air attendants that the boy will seat on their lap. Due to safety and their policy, all passengers are to put on their seat belt . Thus, in order to not stir and argument and to obey their policy, the captain eject the family out of the plane.


I feel that what the air plane staff did was the right thing. In order to ensure all the passengers safety and to obey their policy , the not cooperating family should be ejected out of the plane. If the air attendants are to allow this family to board the flight , an accident may happen, The air attendant have the full choice of allowing the passengers to board the plane.

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Respect towards elderies

Ageing is an avoidable thing that everyone will experience. As we grow older, our body becomes fragile and weaker. However, our thinking becomes more critical, general knowledge-based and wise. For example, our grandparents or even parents know what life is better than us, the younger generation. They have already experienced life before. Whether it was eventful or boring, they are able to give us many tips while living. Hence, we should accept growing older even if our body changes as there are side effects for everything that happen in our life.

I feel that we should not avoid getting older but accept it as a process of our life to get more knowledgeable.