Monday, 24 June 2013


Link to Designer Babies 
SUMMARY : In the UK, a family who had seen generations of their women die of breast cancer was given the chance to change all that with a scientific process called PGD. Normally women who have this cancer gene undergo a double mastectomy. However the revolutionary PGD process allows for screening and removal of the defective gene. Several embryos from the couple were genetically tested and the ones without the breast cancer gene were kept refrigerated for incubation whenever a new family member was desired. Doctors explain it is not a cancer cure and does not suit every couple.
OPINION: In my opinion science has advanced so much that we are now able to determine the future of our children to give them a brighter future. Without the once inheritable diseases like Muscular Dystrophy – which Stephen Hawking suffered from - mankind can then live in an age of better health. This benefit will reduce tremendous health costs and allow the money saved to be channelled to other needs. Without debilitating diseases, there will be less suffering within families. Children who have been set free from the legacy of a fatal illness will be able to live a full life and contribute significantly to society. All in all, society benefits from such an advancement.


Please use these 20 articles for your April-May-June Blogs (links inserted)
Lifelong learning 

Monday, 10 June 2013

Pushover parents, pampered children

Link to article

Summary: Children nowadays are overly pampered and have better material goods than adults. Whatever they demand from their parents, they get. Their parents give in easily to their temper tantrums and grant them anything they want, as doing otherwise would be unthinkable. Parents say that they feel coerced to give their children what they want when they see their children upset. As a result, more and more children feel that they are owed a living and grow up lacking responsibility and the ability to look after themselves.

Opinion: I think that parents should stop being pushovers and should not give in no matter how hard it seems. Doing so will only make their children feel like they are the bosses and that they should be cared for. Although they may think they are doing their children good, the parents are actually making grown up life for their child harder. Children who cannot handle stress and manage responsibilities have a tough life ahead of them.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Singapore's Instant Noodle Generation

Link to Article

Summary: More and more children in Singapore are being pampered and many have maids to look after them. Such teenagers do not need to perform even the simplest of chores, and as such have no ability to do things on their own. This problem is so severe that even Singapore's leaders have spoken up about it, going on about how Singaporean youth have grown up pampered and how they should be taught self-reliance. To attempt to solve this problem, a government task force called Remaking Singapore was set up to teach Singaporeans not to focus on just the 5 Cs.

Opinion: I feel that Singaporean youth should not be overly pampered as this can cause them to grow up to become people who are unable to look after themselves. By not letting their children complete chores, parents are letting their children miss out on opportunities to learn responsibility and self independence. These values are essential for grown up life and must be developed in order for a child to succeed. I suggest that parents have a part-time maid to help out with the harder chores while the children help out with the smaller tasks.